Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

  • Association Animath: M. Lequesne serves on the board of Animath.

  • M. Lequesne is also member of the scientific committee of the French Tournament of Young Mathematicians: redaction of the problems for the competition, jury member (chair of a jury) ; member of the scientific committee of the International Tournament of Young Mathematicians: redaction of the problems for the competition, jury member (chair of a jury) ; Member of the scientific committee of the Correspondances des Jeunes Mathématicien.ne.s: redaction of the problems for the competition.

Articles and contents

  • A.Chailloux, L'algorithme de Shor, Interstices, Inria, March 2018.

  • G. Leurent and M. Naya-Plasencia, La fragilité inattendue du chiffrement symétrique, “La Recherche”, November 2018.

  • JP Tillich, Les codes correcteurs, “La Recherche”, November 2018, p. 45-46.

  • A. Canteaut, La meilleure garantie de sécurité est l'épreuve du temps, interview to the journal “La Recherche”, November 2018.

  • M. Naya-Plasencia, Symmetric Cryptanalysis: The Foundation of Trust, Lorentz Center Highlights, 2018, Leiden, Netherlands, Mars 20, 2018.


  • Alkindi cipher challenge: Several members of the project-team are involved in the cipher challenge for high-school students "concours Alkindi" http://www.concours-alkindi.fr/. Mathieu Lequesne serves as a co-organizer of the challenge, preparing the three rounds and the final. Together with C. Boura and A. Canteaut, he was also involved in the redaction of the exercises, and in videos for Inria channel on different aspects of cryptography and how to solve problems from the Alkindi challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-VQBzwEaqQ&t=17s, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv415zfUFNs&t=3s and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ohEeTPKBwA&t=21s. The best teams from Académie de Paris have been visiting the SECRET project-team in June 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVLHEOWAORc.

  • Organization of the event “Rendez-vous des Jeunes Mathématiciennes et Informaticiennes” at Inria Paris (October 22-23) by M. Lequesne, a 2-days camp for 20 high-school girls interested in mathematics and computer science.

  • Organization of the International Tournament of Young Mathematicians in Paris, a one-week competition (July 5-12) for 120 high-school students. M. Lequesne served as vice-president of the local organizing committee.


  • A. Canteaut gave a talk to high-school students at Palais de la Découverte, during the “Semaine des maths” (March 2018) [61];

  • A. Canteaut gave the talk during the closing ceremony of “Olympiades nationales de mathématiques” (June 2018) [62];

  • A. Canteaut gave a presentation on research in computer science to 10-year children in a school in Paris (Jan. 2018);

  • M. Lequesne gave a presentation on code-based cryptography to high-school interns (stagiaires de 3e) (Dec. 2018).